For the "standard" three-player chess, the positions are labeled as follows.
This is the setup of the pieces.
Cylinder - closed ranks
By gluing the left and ride sides of each player's third of the board, one obtains a cylinder-like shape. Note that the positions a4-h4-i4-p4-q4-x4 meet at a common corner point, just like d4-e4-l4-m4-t4-u4. Each rank forms a closed line containing 8 squares. The board has three circular edges.
The pieces start at the first and second rank as usual. The pieces of each player start along one of the three circular edges.
Cylinder - closed files
In order to close the files instead of the ranks, the inner squares are doubled. Also this board has three edges, along the files h-i, p-q and x-a.
One may also twist each third-board before gluing the files together. Now the new board has only a single circular edge, similarly to a Möbius strip, but in contrast to the latter it is orientable.
For both geometries, the initial setup of the pieces is the same. The main pieces start on the fourth ranks, guarded by pawns on the third and fifth ranks.
Torus and Klein bottle type boards
Using a tesselation of the hyperbolic plane, one can glue the board to a genus 2 surface analog of a torus.
In addition, one may also flip each third-board before gluing.
The initial positions of the pieces are as for the file cylinder.